Getting Started

As a member of the Department of Computer Science, you have a lot of options about accounts, E-Mail addresses, calendars, etc... This might seem intimidating at first but once you get used to it, it offers the freedom to set things up just the way you like.

To get started with a simple but working setup, you can follow the guidelines below. Later on you can activate and start using more and more services as described on the local systems documentation.

The check-list below assumes you have at least one device with Internet access. If you don't, you definitely should start with getting one via the first item.

  1. Where to get help with these or other (ICT) questions:

    • In no particular order (because that really depends on the question): Your colleagues in your office - Your promotor or contact person - The system group representative of your research group - The departmental helpdesk
    • All of the above are usually readily available and more than happy to help you - do not hesitate to contact them - for some issues they might refer you to the KU Leuven helpdesk though
  2. Login accounts:

  3. E-Mail & Calendar:

  4. Telephone:

    • Decide whether to use a hardphone or a softphone or some other device
    • When using a softphone, also decide whether to use it with:
      • your own headset or microphone&speaker of your laptop
      • a departmental headset
      • a departmental handset
  5. The actual telephone devices for both soft- and hardphones are available at the helpdesk in room 01.03.
    Whatever choice you make regarding your telephone setup, it is important to make sure you can be reached on your KU Leuven telephone number.

  6. Get acquainted with:

    • The persons in the first item
    • The customs of your research group about where and how to store your data and run your experiments
    • The way our computers and networks are used in general